Jesus talked to his followers about receiving rewards in Heaven. Discover what the rewards are in the context of the whole biblical story.
6 min read
121 Articles
Jesus talked to his followers about receiving rewards in Heaven. Discover what the rewards are in the context of the whole biblical story.
6 min read
The biblical principle of “turn the other cheek” is often misunderstood. Learn what it means and how it can reestablish right relationships with others.
10 min read
Explore the controversial questions Jesus was asked about divorce by religious experts and the deep meaning of his answers in light of the entire biblical story.
11 min read
Read about what it means for Jesus to "fulfill the law" in Matthew 5:17 in light of the entire biblical story. Learn how it involves more than obeying commands.
6 min read
Learn what Jesus meant by the phrase "hunger and thirst for righteousness" as we unpack what the Bible teaches about right relationships.
6 min read
Explore the message of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. Discover how this set of teachings reveal Jesus as a New Moses, fulfilling the Law and casting a vision for a new way of living that has the power to renew the whole world.
8 min read
Explore the meaning of the Hebrew word for grace in the Bible. God's consistent demonstration of this character trait has powerful implications for humans.
5 min read
Explore the meaning of the celebration of Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year), its fulfillment in Jesus in the story of the Bible, and its significance for today.
8 min read
Jesus said to "seek first the Kingdom of God." Explore the meaning of his words in Matthew 6:33 and discover a new way to live in our world.
10 min read
Explore the historical and biblical meaning of Pentecost and its significance as the birth of the Church and the start of a new world.
7 min read
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