
Heaven & Earth

What does the Bible really teach about Heaven, and what is Heaven’s relationship to Earth? In this video, we explore the surprising biblical viewpoint that Heaven and Earth were meant to overlap and how Jesus is on a mission to bring them together once and for all.


  1. The garden of Eden was the first place where God’s space and humanity’s space were one. Read Genesis 3 and discuss how these two spaces were driven apart.

  2. God wants to live with his people, so he made a place (tabernacle/temple) and a practice (animal sacrifice) for humans to be forgiven so that God’s space and humanity’s space could once again overlap. Explore these ideas in Psalms 65:1-4 and Leviticus 4:34-35. Share your observations as a group.

  3. With all the above in mind, share any significant details you notice about Jesus' dwelling, or “tabernacling,” on Earth (see John 1:14) and Jesus being called the Lamb of God (see John 1:29 and Revelation 5:1-12).

  4. Revelation 21 tells us that one day God’s space and humanity’s space will completely overlap. As you read Revelation 21, how does the author describe the tabernacle and the Lamb? Share your observations with the group.

  5. Take time to discuss other themes, questions, or key takeaways from what you learned together.


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Heaven & Earth

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