Justice Q+R

Justice Q+R

Jon and Tim respond to questions on the theme of justice.
Justice Q+R

Episode Chapters

Show Notes

This is our last episode for 2017! Thank you to all our supporters—all of this is because of you. We’ll be back in 2018 with a full slate of exciting podcast episodes, videos, and some surprises. We discussed four questions in this episode: Jenn (3:25): “How does Jesus’ death work to satisfy God’s ‘justice’? Corey (23:08): “How do we distinguish ‘doing justice’ from being an issue of the church or the state to address? Logan (39:05): “How do we determine who is oppressed and who isn’t? And how do we stand up against people who refuse to see the oppressed? Also, 2 Thessalonians 3:10 has been used as a case against helping the homeless… is this correct?” Vic (57:15): “What’s the relationship in the Bible between justice and power?”

Show Produced By:

Jon Collins, Dan Gummel and Matthew Halbert-Howen

Referenced Resources

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Show Credits

Defender Instrumental, Rosasharn Music