N.T. Wright Interview: Paul and the Powers
In this episode, Tim and Jon interview the prolific theologian N.T. (Tom) Wright.
N.T. Wright Interview: Paul and the Powers
Episode Chapters
Show Notes
Welcome to a special episode of our podcast. In this episode, Tim and Jon interview the prolific theologian N.T. (Tom) Wright. They discuss Paul’s perspectives of spiritual evil and spiritual powers. Thank you to all of our supporters! Show Produced by: Dan Gummel
Scripture References
Genesis 6:42 Samuel 24:11 Chronicles 21:1Luke 22:53Colossians 1:15-16John 12:31John 14:30-31John 14:24John 19:11Romans 13:1Romans 12:191 Kings 22:19-222 Kings 6:17Colossians 1:18-20Colossians 2:151 Corinthians 15:251 Corinthians 6:32 Corinthians 4:10-11Romans 16:20Romans 16:17-19Colossians 1:16Colossians 1:20-22
Referenced Resources
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