What God Does About Suffering
Show Notes
Why does God allow so much suffering in the world? And is he doing anything about it? The Bible doesn’t answer all of our questions about why God allows suffering. But it does tell us a story about how God responds to human suffering. We learn that God has chosen to partner with humans to deliver communities from suffering, and that he chose to enter our pain by becoming human himself. Jesus took up the worst of human suffering, shoved it into a grave, and rose again to give us a new future––one that’s free of injustice and grief. Yes, our questions around suffering are valid. God hears us and understands our pain. Today, let’s tune into the question God has for us. As we face suffering in the world, will we partner with him to be a part of his solution?
Bible Reading
2 Kings 25:8-12, 27-30
Reflection Questions
- What is one way your community is suffering now?
- Consider God’s character of justice, mercy, and love. How does he want to comfort and restore your community?
- What is one step you can take this week to join God’s plan of restoration?
Referenced Resources
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Show Credits
- Host: Cheree Hayes
- Message: Dr. Tim Mackie
- Bible Reading: Michelle Jones
- Production: Dan Gummel
- Theme music: Grant William Harold
- Background Music: Calme by Borrtex Powered and distributed by Simplecast