BibleProject Podcast

BibleProject Podcast

The BibleProject podcast features detailed conversations between Tim and Jon and occasional guests, inviting you to explore the biblical theology behind each animated video and series we create.

This Isn’t the End
This Isn’t the End
Sermon on the MountEpisode 38

When Jesus finishes the Sermon on the Mount, his first audience responds with astonishment. What will our response be? And where will that response lead us? In this episode, Tim, Jon, Michelle, and members of our audience reflect on their journeys through the sermon. Listen to how meditating on Matthew 5-7 has changed them and how these words of Jesus are guiding them to seek God’s wisdom moving forward.

A House on Rock and a House on Sand
A House on Rock and a House on Sand
Sermon on the MountEpisode 37

The final teaching of the Sermon on the Mount addresses the most important aspect of the choice Jesus presents to his listeners. Where does the path that we choose lead us? Jesus describes two builders—a foolish man who builds his house on sand and a wise man who builds his house on rock. When the storm comes, the house on sand is destroyed, while the house on rock remains standing. This seems straightforward, but unpacking the biblical themes of houses, cities, and floodwaters reveals deeper implications for Jesus followers in every generation. Listen in as Tim and Jon conclude their discussion of the sermon by exploring how Jesus' teachings equip us to weather storms outside of Eden, just as Jesus' life ultimately overcame the floodwaters of death.

True and False Prophets
True and False Prophets
Sermon on the MountEpisode 36

In the second part of the final section of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus emphasizes the tension present in the choice between two paths. How do we know if someone is leading us toward the path to life, and whose voice should we listen to? Jesus uses the images of a sheep in wolf’s clothing and trees bearing fruit to emphasize the wisdom needed to identify those who truly represent him. In this episode, Tim and Jon wrestle with the challenge of discerning God's words and recognizing the true destination of someone's path, regardless of the direction they claim.

If We Don’t Forgive Others, Will God Not Forgive Us?
If We Don’t Forgive Others, Will God Not Forgive Us?
Sermon on the MountEpisode 35

Can Jesus’ riddle about the good eye and the bad eye also apply to Genesis 3? Does the Bible offer conflicting views on the topic of testing? What is the connection between asking God for our daily bread and Jesus calling himself the “Bread of Heaven?” Does God forgive us only after we forgive others? In this episode, Tim and Jon respond to your questions from episodes 22-28 in the Sermon on the Mount series and share some of the Lord’s Prayer song submissions. Thank you to our audience for your thoughtful contributions to this episode!

The Narrow and Wide Gates
The Narrow and Wide Gates
Sermon on the MountEpisode 34

Jesus closes the Sermon on the Mount by presenting his listeners with a choice, illustrated in three parts. He first describes two gates and two paths. The narrow gate is difficult to enter, but it opens up the way to life. The wide gate is easy to navigate, but it leads to ruin. In this episode, Tim and Jon explore the choice we all must make after listening to Jesus’ words and how the decision to live out our true calling as humans is challenged daily by paths that appear easier.

What Makes the Golden Rule the Greatest Command?
What Makes the Golden Rule the Greatest Command?
Sermon on the MountEpisode 33

The final teaching in the main body of the Sermon on the Mount is commonly known as the Golden Rule: Do to others what you would have them do to you. Jesus says that all of the Law and Prophets—everything he has come to fulfill—are contained in this one statement. How? In this episode, Tim and Jon unpack what many consider Jesus’ most famous teaching. Join us as we examine how the Golden Rule fits into the intentional design of the Sermon on the Mount, reinforcing the central theme of how God’s desires reshape our own.

What Does Jesus Mean by Ask, Seek, and Knock?
What Does Jesus Mean by Ask, Seek, and Knock?
Sermon on the MountEpisode 32

In his fourth teaching on relationships and conflict in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus encourages his listeners to ask God for what they need. Because the three previous teachings don't directly tell us how to respond in specific situations, Jesus emphasizes that the challenges of relationships require wisdom that comes from a deep dependence on God. In this episode, Tim and Jon discuss Jesus’ invitation for his followers to relate to God as a loving and generous Father who delights in giving us good gifts.

The Abraham Experiment (Re-Release)
The Abraham Experiment (Re-Release)
Generosity: Re-ReleaseEpisode 3

What happens when humans misuse the gifts God gives them? From Eve’s attitude toward the births of Cain and Seth, to the Tower of Babel, to Abraham’s response to the promised land, the stories in Genesis reveal a tension between God’s abundant generosity and humanity’s selfish responses. This tension continues when the people of Israel reside in the promised land—a gift they repeatedly misuse. In this re-released episode from 2019, Tim and Jon trace the theme of generosity and scarcity from Genesis to Deuteronomy, uncovering what it means for us today.

God as the Generous Host (Re-Release)
God as the Generous Host (Re-Release)
Generosity: Re-ReleaseEpisode 2

The Bible begins with a portrait of God as an amazing and generous host to humanity, an image that is on full display in the Genesis creation narrative. But the humans ruin the party in Eden by believing the lies that God is stingy and withholding. In this re-released episode from 2019, Jon and Tim start at the beginning of the Bible, where God seeks to be generous and gracious, and where humans respond with suspicion, greed, jealousy, and murder.

Abundance or Scarcity (Re-Release)
Abundance or Scarcity (Re-Release)
Generosity: Re-ReleaseEpisode 1

What comes to mind when you think of generosity? Is it sharing your money, resources, or even time with others? For the biblical authors, generosity is much more than an act of kindness—it’s a reality woven into the universe, starting with the generous Creator. In this re-released of our 2019 series on generosity, Jon and Tim start by exploring Jesus’ perspective on resources and the Hebrew Bible’s portrayal of God’s gracious abundance.