Adam to Noah

Genesis 2-5
Dr. Tim Mackie

What really happened in the garden with Adam and Eve and the snake? The early chapters of Genesis introduce a cycle of testing and rebellion that we’ll see repeated throughout the Bible. Study Genesis 2-5 and discover how this failed test set God’s plan to restore humanity as his partners into motion.

14 Hours 5 Minutes

Learning Objectives

After you complete this full class, here's what you can expect to understand and be able to communicate:

  • The prominent themes of Genesis 2-5
  • The literary structure of Genesis 1-11
  • How the Eden story functions as an introduction to the Hebrew Bible
  • How Genesis 1 and 2 relate to each other
  • How humanity’s failure in the garden sets the biblical story in motion
14 Hours 5 Minutes
Lecture Time
Classroom Sessions

Your Teacher

Dr. Tim Mackie
Dr. Tim Mackie
Tim Mackie is a writer and creative director for BibleProject. He has a Ph.D. in Semitic Languages and Biblical Studies. He wrote his dissertation on the manuscript history of the book of Ezekiel, with a focus on the Septuagint and Dead Sea Scrolls. What a total nerd! He is a professor at Western Seminary and served as a teaching pastor for many years.