The Mountain
The Choice
Matthew 7:24-27: The Two Houses
Passage Insight: Good Tree vs. Bad Tree
Matthew 7:6: Pearls Before Pigs
Wisdom in Relationships
Matthew 7:1-2: Don’t Judge
Passage Insight: Speck in the Eye
Matthew 7:12: The Golden Rule
Wealth and Worry
Matthew 6:19-23: True Wealth and Generosity
Passage Insight: Do Not Worry
Vocab Insight: Mammon / Wealth
Vocab Insight: Basileia / Kingdom
The Lord’s Prayer
Matthew 6:9-13: The Prayer of Jesus
Passage Insight: Jesus and Short Prayers
Matthew 6:1-4: Generosity and the True Reward
Passage Insight: Purpose of Fasting
Warnings About Religious Practices