Wealth and Worry
Watch an explainer video to discover what Jesus teaches in key Bible verses about wealth and possessions in the Sermon on the Mount.
What are some of the false promises we’re prone to believe about possessions and wealth?
In Matthew 6:19, what is Jesus trying to communicate about earthly possessions?
According to Jesus, what are some examples of sky stuff (or heavenly treasure)?
According to Matthew 6:22-23, how can our perception of wealth shape us?
How can wealth or possessions be like tyrants?
In Matthew 6:25-34, how does Jesus’ appeal to the birds of the sky and flowers of the field invite us to shift our perspective about worry and possessions?
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Episode 9
Wisdom in Relationships
Sermon on the Mount

Episode 1
Intro to the Sermon on the Mount

Episode 2
The Beatitudes

Episode 3
Jesus Fulfills the Law

Episode 4
Wisdom Within Laws About Murder, Adultery, and Divorce

Episode 5
Wisdom Within Laws About Oaths, Retaliation, and Enemy Love

Episode 6
Warnings About Religious Practices

Episode 7
The Lord’s Prayer

Episode 8
Wealth and Worry

Episode 9
Wisdom in Relationships

Episode 10
The Choice