
Wisdom Within Laws About Oaths, Retaliation, and Enemy Love

Explore how Jesus reveals God’s wisdom underneath Old Testament laws about oaths, revenge, and enemies in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5.


  1. Why does Jesus tell his followers to never swear oaths?

  2. Referring to retaliation and revenge, Jesus says, “don’t pay back an evil person,” or “do not resist-in-kind an evil person.” How would you summarize what he encourages his followers to do instead (see Matthew 5:37-42)?

  3. According to Jesus, why is it not enough to simply tolerate your enemies? Why is it better to love them?

  4. Jesus commands his followers to love their enemies because God—who is good to everyone, regardless of their behavior—also loves their enemies. What are some ways that God shows kindness to all people, and how can this inspire us to love without partiality?

  5. How does making peace and loving others in these ways make us “whole” or “complete?”

  6. Take some time to reflect on any themes from the video or passage (Matthew 5:33-48) that resonated with you.

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Sermon on the Mount


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Episode 5

Wisdom Within Laws About Oaths, Retaliation, and Enemy Love

Explore how Jesus reveals God’s wisdom underneath Old Testament laws about oaths, revenge, and enemies in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5.

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