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The Royal Priest

What is God’s ideal calling for humans? God calls all humans to be royal priests, representing his character and presence to the world. Check out our video series on the theme of the Royal Priest in the Bible here.

6 Episodes

Episode 1
Royal Priests of Eden
Did you know that Israel’s tabernacle tent was designed as a symbolic garden of Eden? And did you know that Adam and Eve were proto-priests who lived and worked in the sacred space? In this video, we explore God’s plan for humanity to serve as royal priests over all creation and how the story of Jesus brings this priestly drama to its ultimate resolution.
Episode 2
Abraham and Melchizedek
Melchizedek is one of the most intriguing characters in the Bible, first introduced in the story of Abraham. He’s a mysterious priest king who rules a city that will later be called Jerusalem, and he gives God’s blessing to Abraham. In this video, we’ll explore how Melchizedek fits into the larger biblical theme of the coming royal priest.
Episode 3
Moses and Aaron
After God appoints Moses to confront Pharaoh and lead the Israelites out of slavery, they come to Mount Sinai, where God invites them to become “a kingdom of priests.” But things do not go as planned for the Israelites. In this video, we explore the beginning of the failed priesthood and the need for the ultimate royal priest, who will intercede on behalf of his people and offer his life for the failures of others.
Episode 4
David the Priestly King
By the time Israel becomes a nation, their priesthood is already totally corrupt. So the people ask for a king to lead them and God anoints David. In this video, we’ll explore David’s role as a priestly king and his failure to live up to this calling. The story of David ultimately points to the arrival of Jesus, the true royal priest who will bring the blessings of Eden and restore humans to their divine calling.
Episode 5
Jesus the Royal Priest
After humanity’s failure as the royal priests of Eden, God promises that one of their descendants will intervene on their behalf to restore the blessings of Eden. Throughout Israel’s story, God raises up leaders to be this royal priest, but they all fall short. But their stories point forward to the ultimate royal priest, Jesus. In this video, we’ll explore how Jesus is the ultimate king and priest who invites humans back into Eden so that we can once again take up our calling as God’s royal priests.
Episode 6
The Royal Priesthood
After Jesus’ disciples receive the Holy Spirit, they become God’s temple and the physical embodiment of Jesus on Earth. The New Testament writers show us that followers of Jesus carry the responsibility to live as royal priests forward into eternity, reclaiming the lost calling God gave humanity to represent him and rule the world on his behalf. And the story of the Bible ends where it began: in a garden with humans serving and ruling as God’s royal priests forever.
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