Abraham and Melchizedek
Melchizedek is one of the most intriguing characters in the Bible, first introduced in the story of Abraham. He’s a mysterious priest king who rules a city that will later be called Jerusalem, and he gives God’s blessing to Abraham. In this video, we’ll explore how Melchizedek fits into the larger biblical theme of the coming royal priest.
Shalem, or Salem, is later known as Jerusalem. Moriah, a mountainous region in Jerusalem, is later called the “mount of the LORD” (Genesis 22:14) and the “temple mount” (2 Chronicles 3:1). With all of this in mind, compare Genesis 14:17-20 with Genesis 22:1-14. How do you see God providing for Abraham in these similar settings?
Learn more about Melchizedek by reading Hebrews 7 aloud as a group. Discuss some of the ways the author compares Jesus to Melchizedek.
As you review Hebrews 7, notice how the author assures their audience that Jesus is better than any other priest. What are some of the reasons the author provides? How is this good news for everyone?
Take time to discuss other themes, questions, or key takeaways from what you learned together.
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Episode 3
Moses and Aaron
Royal Priesthood

Episode 1
Royal Priests of Eden

Episode 2
Abraham and Melchizedek

Episode 3
Moses and Aaron

Episode 4
David the Priestly King

Episode 5
Jesus the Royal Priest

Episode 6
The Royal Priesthood