
Matthew 5:3-16: Beatitudes

Watch our second visual commentary on the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 5 and learn the meaning of the Beatitudes in the Bible, like "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."


  1. For this section of Scripture, we have used the phrase “How good is life for” instead of the more common “Blessed are you when.” How does this change impact your understanding of Jesus’ words?

  2. According to Matthew 5:3-5, what reasons does Jesus give for concluding that the powerless, grieving, and unimportant are experiencing the good life?

  3. In Matthew 5:6-8, Jesus declares that the good life belongs to those who long for right relationships, are full of mercy, and have pure motives. What do these characteristics tell us about the way human beings will live in Jesus’ Kingdom?

  4. Why should peacemakers expect to be persecuted in this world?

  5. What would these images of salt, light, and a city on a hill have meant to Jesus and his listeners as ancient Israelites?

  6. How does the literary design of Matthew 5:3-16 as presented in this video help you understand its message?

Keep Learning

Check out our Guide to The Beatitudes


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Sermon on the Mount Visual Commentaries


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Matthew 5:3-16: Beatitudes

Watch our second visual commentary on the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew chapter 5 and learn the meaning of the Beatitudes in the Bible, like "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."

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Matthew 6:19-23: True Wealth and Generosity

Watch a video that explores key Bible verses where Jesus talks about how our relationship to wealth and possessions affects our relationship with God.