

YHWH, Adonai, LORD, Jehovah–God seems to have a lot of names. So what exactly are we supposed to call him? Dive into this fascinating look behind all the different names Jews and Christians have used to refer to God and discover the power of the personal name of the God of Israel.


  1. Each time the word “LORD” is written in all capital letters in our Bibles, it refers to the personal name of Israel’s God. How many times is God’s personal name used in Deuteronomy 6:4-5?
    (Note: NASB translation does not capitalize; use NIV, ESV, or NLT to see capitalizations.)

  2. Read Exodus 3:1-12. How does the angel of the LORD appear to Moses (Exodus 3:2), and how did he introduce himself (Exodus 3:6)? What does the LORD invite Moses to do and why (Exodus 3:7-10)? What is Moses’ reply (Exodus 3:11)? How does the LORD reassure him (Exodus 3:12)?

  3. Read Exodus 3:13-17. Remember that while the author has been using the word “LORD” throughout this narrative retelling, this is the first time any human has learned God’s name. After the LORD invites him on a mission, what does Moses want to know (Exodus 3:13)? How does God reply (Exodus 3:14-15)?

  4. Why does God’s name, Yahweh, usually appear in our English Bibles as LORD, Jehovah, or Adonai? In our English Bibles, how is LORD—written in capital letters—different from the same word written in lowercase letters, “lord”?

  5. The divine name of the God of Israel refers to the one who was in the past, is in the present, and will always be in the future. Why do you think this was important for Israel to know as God announced his plan to deliver them from slavery? How does God’s name help you understand who he is today?

Explore Deuteronomy

The Shema Is in the Book of Deuteronomy—Learn Its Context


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Episode 3

Ahavah / Love

Love can be a confusing word in the English language. It's used to refer to everything from your feelings to your mom to your feelings about pizza. But the biblical authors had more than one word for love. In this video, we explore the Hebrew word used for love in the ancient Shema prayer, *ahavah*.

The Shema


Episode 1

Shema / Listen

The Shema prayer sums up God’s greatest command, “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one, and as for you, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Begin your study of this ancient prayer by looking at the first word, “shema,” meaning “listen.”

Episode 2


YHWH, Adonai, LORD, Jehovah–God seems to have a lot of names. So what exactly are we supposed to call him? Dive into this fascinating look behind all the different names Jews and Christians have used to refer to God and discover the power of the personal name of the God of Israel.

Episode 3

Ahavah / Love

Love can be a confusing word in the English language. It's used to refer to everything from your feelings to your mom to your feelings about pizza. But the biblical authors had more than one word for love. In this video, we explore the Hebrew word used for love in the ancient Shema prayer, *ahavah*.

Episode 4

Lev / Heart

Different cultures have different conceptions of the human heart, what it is, and what it does. The biblical authors are no exception, but there is no biblical word that better captures the essence of human thought, feeling, and desire, than the rich and wonderful word for “heart,” “lev.”

Episode 5

Nephesh / Soul

The English word “soul” usually refers to the non-material essence of a human that survives after death, but “nephesh” means something different. It refers to humans as living, breathing, physical beings—or just to life itself.

Episode 6

Meod / Strength

What does it mean to love God with all of your strength? In this final installment of our Shema series, we explore the Hebrew word me'od, which we translate as "strength" in the Shema. But this is only one of the many ways this rich Hebrew word can be translated.